October 2009
Baptist Health Little Rock
Little Rock
United States




The October 2009 DAISY Award winner from Baptist Health Medical Center Little Rock is Timothy Connolly, RN. Tim relocated to Arkansas because of hurricane Katrina. Nursing is his second career next to being a Marine Biologist which included a lot of scuba diving. Since there are not any oceans surrounding Arkansas, he decided to start a second career by attending nursing school at
Baptist Health Schools Little Rock. A Graduate from December 2008, he is our October
DAISY Award winner on the Little Rock campus.

From his nomination letter……
Like many families in our situation, we were anxious and stressed as our family member Tom was sent to the SICU following surgery for removal of his meningioma. Tim greeted us with a calm tone in his voice, a smile...indicating warmth and personal attention in a high tech area. His knowledgeable response to our questions gave us comfort to go home - leaving Tom in good hands. When I called from home at 3am, he again offered excellent information on Tom’s status to reassure me. All of this was particularly impressive in that the only time he shared that the SICU was not his home unit was when I asked for a “call-in phone number”. Well done Tim! All this being said, what pulled Tim to acknowledgment in my mind was when Tom reported to me how respectful Tim was in attending to his needs in the ICU environment - working quietly with limited disruption of his rest. In addition, he attended to Tom’s pain, ensuring his comfort after a craniotomy.
I suspect Tim would say he did nothing “special” in his care of Tom-This is just what brought him to the TOP of the list. Bravo and Many Thanks! ---- L B