Tonya Davis
February 2016
Hematology Oncology Clinic
Atlanta VA Medical Center
United States




"What I value most in direct patient care is very simple, basic human interaction. It allows me one-on-one, face-to-face contact with patients and family. In today's society, we have gotten away from basic human interaction. Everything is email, text, and or automated. Often having a simple 5-minute conversation with a patient can make their day and let them know, we care and they matter.The Veterans are a special group of people. They put their lives on the line by serving our country and protecting our great nation. There is no greater joy then to return the service, by providing them with excellent nursing that they deserve."
- Tonya Davis, BSN, RN
Tonya has had the pleasure of providing the close contact, direct patient care that she has such a driving passion for. Her love of nursing is evident and echoes through the words used by her patients in describing her.
From her patients in the Hematology/Oncology Clinic:
"She is kind and always smiles."
"She has helped me through what otherwise would be a traumatic experience for most people. She has given me personal attention above and beyond the call of duty. I am most grateful for her presence in what is a very hard time for me. Thank you."