Veronica Kenny
December 2015
Obstetrical Gynecological Emergency Services (OGES)
Parkland Health & Hospital System
United States




This patient was a jail patient cleared from the Main ED for trauma and brought to the Women's ER for an STD check. She had a black eye and was curled up in the fetal position on the bed. It was readily apparent that she had not had a bath in a few days. The patient stated she had not had anything to drink since the day before. She was given juice, crackers, and a sandwich and began to look better. After her shower and shampoo and with items for her personal hygiene, the patient was smiling. She said she felt much better. Veronica treated the inmate with such love and concern. Veronica demonstrated integrity by going above and beyond with the inmate as if this was no big deal. She treated the inmate with such human dignity that it was nursing in its purest form.
Ms. Kenny demonstrated collaboration by partnering with Veronica Woodberry, MA. Ms. Woodberry brought to my attention that the patient complained of burning with urination when getting a urine sample. A further point of care test on her urine showed a UTI for which the patient was treated thanks to Ms. Woodberry. Ms. Kenny and Ms. Woodberry were a great team. They demonstrated leadership and assisted this patient's needs and even though the patient did not know she had those needs.
Ms. Kenney demonstrated excellence by providing highest form of nursing I have seen in 40 years of nursing. It was the manner in which it was done that was so touching. This simple act of providing patient clothes and a bath with such dignity brought this patient something that was priceless. Ms. Kenney is deserving of a DAISY Award because besides the fact that both Ms. Kenny and Ms. Woodberry did such thoughtful things for the patient it was done in such a way that the patient did not feel that she was any different than anyone else. Treating this patient with such dignity was the finest I have seen.