Wenefreda Lopez
June 2016
Labour & Delivery
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




It has been a year since I met Wenefreda Lopez. I'm a nurse in the city and situation reversed when I was admitted in preparation to welcome my beloved son. Ms. Wenefreda Lopez comes into my room for her evening duty when I was in most labor pain and scared. I'm scared for the possible complication that might happen based on my situation. I'm a previous CS from my 1st pregnancy and my CS scare is only 2 years and now my doctors will try normal delivery.
Since I am a health worker many things go through my mind that could happen to me and my baby, my head always turning to the monitor. Ms. Wenefreda talked to me and diverted my attention. That made me feel comfortable and relaxed. She led a prayer and we prayed together that the labor pain would be tolerable. After many hours of labor, the specialist decided to bring me to the OR since I was tired and the contractions become slow. While she was preparing me for the OR she still encouraged me to try for a normal delivery with one last push. I did and the head of the baby came out. 3 doctors in front of me shouted for joy and finally delivered my baby angel.
Ms. Wenefreda was alert and equipped for an emergency situation. She is knowledgeable withahigh quality of skills, she is extraordinary in her many little ways. She stayed at my side and refused to leave until I finally delivered. I couldn't help but give her a hug for a wonderful experience with her care. I was overwhelmed and inspired by the tender love and care that Ms. Wenefreda showed me. She maintains the highest level of care and a delightful sense of humor. Ms. Wenefreda justified the meaning of true patient care. I found her very professional in her roles and duties, she is accommodating, honest, and good provider for her patient. She showed empathy in all procedures I have observed. She is a good leaderfor her team and worked professionally with her colleagues.