Whitney Oechsner
September 2018
5SW Medical Intermediate
SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital - Madison
United States




When you see Whitney on your shift, you know it will be an okay day no matter what happens. Whitney is a true team player! She is one of my favorite charge nurses to work with. Whitney is always looking for solutions to any problems encountered, often offers help with medication passes, answering call lights, is busy helping other staff members or helping the unit in some way. Whitney does all this while maintaining a professional caring attitude, not only towards patients but her coworkers as well.
Recently, there was a crisis in Sun Prairie. A huge explosion happened,causing extreme damage to buildings, fires, and chaos in the downtown area. Whitney happened to be home when the explosion occurred, not knowing if she had just experienced an earthquake or what happened. Whitney went outside. While outside, Whitney realized that this was an emergency happening right before her eyes. As a nurse, Whitney didn't hesitate and knew this was a time to think like a nurse, to stay calm in an emergency situation and help in any way needed. Whitney sprang into action, helping like any good nurse would. Whitney found herself helping evacuate elderly people from where they were staying. Whitney even made a spot on "Good Morning America" where she can be seen wheeling an elderly woman to safety. When I heard of this devastating news about downtown Sun Prairie and then found out that one of my fellow coworkers was there helping to evacuate elderly people, I couldn't help but be proud of Whitney. As a nurse, we all are expected to help out if a crisis occurs, to lend a helping hand if we can and that is just what Whitney did. I was grateful, Whitney was safe and proud to know that Whitney was there to help people in this time of need. I couldn't think of any other nurse more perfect for this situation.
To me, A DAISY Nurse is someone who is a nurse every day, someone who collaborates with the healthcare team in the hospital and if needed, outside the hospital as well. A person no matter the location or what is going on shows a caring attitude in all situations and is willing to help those in need. Being a nurse is more than just handing out pills, more than just a job, it's a calling to help those in need. That day, Whitney forgot about her own fears about the explosion and went into action to help those that are unable to care for themselves, to help get the elderly to safety, she is a true DAISY Nurse.