Woodlyne Jean-Baptiste
April 2019
Labor and Delivery
Silver Cross Hospital
New Lenox
United States




Woodlyn was my 3rd labor and delivery nurse as I worked my way through being induced. I was only about 2cm dilated when she began her shift and with her help, I was able to get to 6cm dilated. I truly believe it was her coaching, straight forward discussion, and compassion that got me this far along into my labor. She quickly recognized that my increasing back labor was due to my baby being "sunny side up" and from there she taught my husband and me numerous poses to try to move my baby into the right position. I had hoped to continue labor without any medication, as this was my birth plan, but when Woodlyn explained to me that it was in mine and the baby's best interest to have assistance to move me farther along with dilation, I didn't hesitate. She fully explained my options, both IV medication or epidural and what the outcome of both would be. She provided her own expertise and personal knowledge on both, with the ultimate decision to be to receive an epidural. I had been 100% against an epidural due to my overall fear of needles, something going wrong, and being "numb" during delivery, thus possibly missing out on something. Woodlyn held me through the epidural process while I also was going through horrible contractions. She continued to coach me, encourage me, and provide just enough joking to get me through. After the epidural, I had relaxed enough, just like she said I would, in order to have my baby move into the birth canal and be ready to enter the world! Woodlyn was there to call the doctor, joke with the doctor that my stubborn baby was really ready to come out, and cheer me on as I pushed my baby into the world. Woodlyn continued to offer encouragement in breastfeeding, which was a blessing and happened right away! Woodlyn prepared me to move to my post-partum room and explained just how to care for myself. I made sure to tell her over and over again how grateful I was to her because truly, I would not have had a successful labor and delivery without her. She is an amazing woman and nurse. Compassionate, smart, funny, and a blessing to my family. We are forever grateful to her!