2LT Rebecca Parrish
June 2015
2LT Rebecca
Step Down Telemetry
Madigan Army Medical Center
United States




... Words cannot adequately express my heartfelt appreciation and growing fondness for this soul-touching member of your completely amazing staff in my ward.

Each day, I witness Nurse Parrish's deep sense of compassion and truly heroic courage as she shares with me the journey with cancer she and her young daughter are currently traveling. As a musician myself, I find myself in tears of joy as 2LT Parrish shares with me her daughter's passion for music. Knowing of her daughter's upcoming violin recital, I wait eagerly for what I know will be proud words of a parent so desperately wanting her loved one to enjoy all the wonder of a full life. A life her daughter and I are both living day-to-day to the fullest. She has given me a fresh connection with a young fellow musician - Pure Joy!

In 2LT Parrish I find my strongest advocate to remain positive, find meaning in all events surrounding me, live in the moment, appreciate and celebrate every victory, small and large, as I look down the long road to recovery. This beautiful young nurse has a gift of making the many aspects of cancer less scary, less powerful against me and she strengthens my will to continue confidently into a world I know so little about. She is committed to travel along this journey with me. She is my trusted, experienced companion and I know I will be safe.

Currently, 2LT Parrish is in the training phase of her career. She takes great pride in properly introducing her wonderful mentor, 1LT Kimberly Taylor, as well as all members of her team that she readily proclaims the sincerest respect and admiration for. It is obvious to me that she keenly observes the numerous qualities and talents in her fellow team members. I see the effort which Nurse Parrish puts forth to emulate her colleagues and maximize her knowledge of standards and procedures. Her diligence in cleanliness, absolute focus on the details of charting events, and every aspect of her job are all indicators that I am receiving the best care possible.

2LT Rebecca Parrish is keenly aware of patient needs and strives to attend to those needs whether through her own ability or that of a more experienced Nurse. There is no selfish ego in her. She is a model of loyalty. With Rebecca caring for me, my mind is at ease.

There are so many fine attributes in 2LT Parrish that I wish I had the time and ability to fully recognize. As a twenty year Air Force veteran I cannot fail to mention what I know to be at the core of our life's calling: Professionalism. While she may be in the early stages of her Army Nursing way of life, it is abundantly clear to me she has brought with her a strong foundation of pride in her work and herself. I am confident this solid foundation will serve her well and serve the United States Army well, as she matures into a fine Army Officer.

I suppose it is natural to expect a certain level of care from any trained health professional. 2LT Parrish has far exceeded any and all of my expectations. This fine Officer and skilled nurse has freely opened the door of her life to me, giving me an example of how to live a more open life, a more compassionate life, and ultimately, a much healthier life in every respect.

2LT Parrish's care has truly changed my outlook on life which I know will remain with me forever. Now that is Exceptional Care! She acts with complete honesty, sincere respect and excellence in all she does. She personifies Exceptional Care.

Finally, given one statement that expresses my belief that she deserves this award, it is: Rebecca Parrish not only encourages her patients, she inspires them!