Aaron OConnell
December 2016
Essentia Health Hospital
United States




On November 1st, my labor patient ended up delivering her twins at a very early gestation, too early of a gestation. In the delivery, the NICU nurses were ready to go; ready for whatever was presented to them. Their full teams of nurses worked like machines to get the babies stable and into the NICU as quickly as possible. We all went home that morning saying a prayer that morning that the babies did okay. That night we came back and the first thing you want to know is "how are they?" Many staff had tossed and turned all day while trying to sleep, praying that these babies stay strong and hold on. Early that next morning on our second night shift, I saw the NICU nurses all working around one of the twins. We saw providers coming in from home and RTs running to gather different vents and supplies. You automatically know what this means, and your heart breaks for everyone. When Aaron, the charge nurse came out to our unit, he didn't have to say anything. We knew and immediately wanted to help with whatever we could. He asked us to bring the baby's mother into the NICU. We wheeled the mother into the unit. We wrapped our arms around her and held her hands as she watched this team, Aaron included, perform CPR on her son, something that no mother should ever have to go through. She saw them fight for her son and do everything they could possibly do. With tears in their eyes, we watched as these nurses gave every ounce of themselves trying to save this precious baby. I remember at one point looking around and seeing other nurses drawing up medications, while the rest of the nurses took over care of the other babies. They had it all together. They were a team. As a nurse, you train for these situations but nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming emotions and heartbreak of losing a patient. Most feel they are "just doing their job" but our job is one of the toughest emotionally and physically and it takes a strong team of people to persevere through a situation like that. Not everyone can do this job, but this team of people excel at what it means to be a nurse. To give all you have, even in the toughest of situations. These nurses all have huge hearts and a day like that is not something you forget, and something that shouldn't go unmentioned.