Abby Cooper
April 2021
Labor & Delivery
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
United States




I was able to take in the humor and lightness because Abby stayed so on top of my pain and positions during the entire labor process.
From the moment we met Abby, wearing her leopard-print headband and matching clogs, we knew she was up for the wild ride that was our delivery of our first baby. When I arrived for my scheduled induction, I was literally ruled out for preeclampsia with diastolic blood pressure over 100 because I was so nervous about the upcoming hours. However, the moment Abby started taking care of us, I was put at ease.

Abby is exceptionally caring and experienced labor and delivery nurse, like many on Prentice 8, but what sets her apart are her communication skills and sense of humor. As a physician with a husband who had literally never been to a hospital since his own birth, Abby effortlessly balanced her communication with us so we both felt informed and totally on the same page. She empowered my husband (who has been known to faint at the sight of blood) to hold my legs, coach me through contractions, cut the umbilical cord, and help me with breastfeeding for the first time. The induction and labor process is a seriously humbling, and at times, a dehumanizing process for even the most confident and comfortable moms-to-be: stark naked and "spread eagle" in front of strangers, shaking and shivering uncontrollably from the epidural meds, all the bodily fluids…everywhere). Abby kept our spirits light during the long hours; she laughed along when my husband asked if the “peanut ball” was what was used as the CRIB Balloon for the induction, and she chuckled when I compared the foot support bar during pushing to giving birth in the back of a Jeep Wrangler.

I was able to take in the humor and lightness because Abby stayed so on top of my pain and positions during the entire labor process. She truly advocated for me during one of the most vulnerable days of my entire life. When we were finally ready to transition to the postpartum unit, Abby offered to do a family photoshoot, portrait mode and all. She was so patient with us as I self-consciously vetoed so many of her photos until we got one decent one. Before she wheeled me out, Abby looked me directly in my purple/black eyes rimmed with frightening periorbital edema, splattered with broken blood vessels from 2 hours of pushing and told me that I was beautiful and that I was going to be ok. After everything we’d been through, I could only trust her. As a Northwestern physician, I have had the privilege of working with many fantastic nurses here. She treated us without judgment and with unconditional care and support. Ultimately Abby's care restored dignity in us during our most vulnerable hours the way only a skilled nurse can.