Abby Reitz
September 2021
UPMC Altoona, Tower 14M/O
UPMC Altoona
United States




I believe Abby defines what it truly means to be a nurse.
Within one day of each other I received two great comments about Abby Reitz. The first situation involved the wife of a patient whose world was turned upside down when her husband became critically ill with a new debilitating diagnosis. On one particularly difficult day for the patient's wife, Abby walked into the patient's room and saw that the wife was considerably upset, and Abby walked up to her and gave her a hug and told her that she understood how hard this must be for her and that she was here for her. The wife stated that Abby knew what she needed at that moment and took the time to be with her and reassure and support her. She said that Abby was one of the reasons that she was able to make it through such a difficult time.

The second scenario involved a patient who was just diagnosed with advanced cancer and was very ill. This was all new for the patient and it was a lot to take on. The patient told me that Abby would come into her room and just sit and listen to how she was feeling and give her words of encouragement. She stated that Abby would cry with her when she cried and laugh with her when she laughed. The patient stated that the entire nursing staff was wonderful but Abby was one of the most exceptional nurses she has ever met. I believe Abby defines what it truly means to be a nurse. Yes, nurses need to have the technical skill and knowledge to perform their job well, but Abby has the compassion, empathy, sensitivity, and warmth that it takes to encompass everything a nurse should be. Abby is truly a shining star on our floor and a guardian angel to the patients who she cares for.