Abby Robbins
February 2020
Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health
United States




My son was admitted to Riley Children's Hospital for chemo-induced hyperglycemia. Abby has been our nurse for more than one admission in our son's T-cell lymphoma treatment journey. We know her to be competent and professional as well as warm and empathetic in her care of our sweet boy.
During this stay, we were newly learning our role in carb counting and the figuring of insulin amounts. She patiently oversaw and taught us as we learned to do this on our own. As we compared our carb totals, there was a large discrepancy. She observed that the carbs listed on the ordering menu were different than those listed on the ticket on the tray. She made a phone call to the kitchen to find out the actual carb counts of the items, which were also far different from the menu and ticket. She then submitted an incident report to get the discrepancies cleared up to prevent future problems for kids who need to carb count and get correct insulin.
Her attention to accuracy and details was so helpful and trust-building for us and could be pivotal for monitoring and restoring healthy blood sugar levels for future pediatric patients. We are so thankful that Abby was our nurse!