Abby Schultz
June 2019
Palliative Care Unit
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
United States




Abby met a frightened, confused lady when we met. I didn't want to be here, no one does, of course. She was kind, listened to my questions, and if she didn't have an answer right then, she sought it out. I was pretty scared about the colonoscopy and I had an experience which I shared with her. She told me to have faith in God, and things would be ok. I shared with her that I saw my husband of who passed 13 years ago, right before I fell asleep. She believed in everything I said. I told her that he comforted me and held my hand. She actually had tears in her eyes when I shared this with her. She is a loving, caring, passionate young lady and the terrific nurse! She has the qualities that it takes to be a nurse, especially on a Palliative Care Unit.