Abir M Saadeh
May 2023
Abir M
Registered nurse
Faculty of Nursing Sciences of the Lebanese Red Cross




We feel reassured when she enters the room, and her constant smile is enough to uplift the patient she cares for. She makes him feel like she is a caring sister who shares his pain.
First of all, I would like to thank St. George Hospital for providing treatment to my husband, who suffered from an arm amputation. I especially want to thank Nurse Abir whom I met on the first day, as she has shown dedication in her work and caring for the patients, making us feel like family. She is a kind, loving, and passionate person. She is beautiful both on the outside and on the inside. She never lets us feel the pain or the long hours of our stay, as she accompanies us throughout the day. We feel reassured when she enters the room, and her constant smile is enough to uplift the patient she cares for. She makes him feel like she is a caring sister who shares his pain. We have grown very fond of her and have become accustomed to her presence. We wish her good health, success in her work, and overall happiness in her life.

She also possesses quick wit in performing her duties. We believe that fate brought us here from Bekaa to meet her, and we are proud to know her. She is truly a remarkable individual and an excellent nurse. As the patient's family, we wish her success in her career and continuous progress in her work. I would also like to mention that her cheerful presence alleviates the patient's pain and that she is skilled in blood withdrawal.

My husband and I wholeheartedly thank her for all the care and love she has provided us. Finally, I say to her: "Nurse Abir, you are the most beautiful and wonderful nurse. We love you very much. May God bless you, my dear."