Adriana Guerrero Espinosa
May 2021
Guerrero Espinosa
PIH Health Hospital - Downey
United States




Adriana treats her patients as if they were her family.
When I first met Adriana she was my mentor when I first started working at PIH as a CNA. Adriana was helping me around the hospital, showing me what to do and not to do. She showed me a great level of compassion towards patients. To this day, she still shows the same, if not greater compassion towards all of her patients. She goes above and beyond to make sure her patients are well taken care of. She treats her patients as if they were her family. Whether the patient is alert and oriented or non-verbal, she still talks to her patients, explains what she’ll be doing and informs the patient if they need any further assistance to inform her without hesitation. She shows great teamwork and is also a great team player. There is truly no specific situation that I am able to provide where she is showing she is not an outstanding role model because every day she gives it her all and does her best every shift. Adriana deserves to receive this award because of the care and compassion she shows towards her patients.

If I had to pick a situation, it would be the time where we had a patient who was coding. We had just finished giving him a bed bath along with repositioning the patient. Her main priority for her patients is if they are comfortable or not. She told me “Let’s go reposition him because he doesn’t look comfortable”. Not too long after, the patient desaturated to 63% within 3 seconds and immediately called a code and started compressions. Sadly, the patient expired. At the time, the family was there during the code and witnessed what was happening. As soon as the team arrived, Adriana stepped out and started comforting the family. She talked to them, tried to calm them down and comfort them as much as she could. Adriana was born to be a nurse. She strives to be a better nurse every day and I have never seen or worked with a nurse as great as Adriana.