Adrianne Willis
November 2019
Trauma Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix
United States




Adrianne brings a lot of experience and expertise to the ICU. She is well-respected by her fellow nurses and physicians. I have worked with her for over 3 years. From day one I could always count on her for help, advice, and guidance. Her positive attitude and continuous smile are contagious with staff, patients and families.
Recently Adrianne helped care for a patient who was actively dying. Early on in the shift, the family decided to withdraw care. After all drips were shut off and she was extubated the family stayed a few hours until they said their goodbyes and headed home for the night. In that time, the patient did not pass. Adrianne sat at the bedside with the patient, holding her hand, ensuring she was not alone when she passed. Adrianne continued to assist and care for other patients throughout the night in the ICU while taking any time she had to sit and check on her.
This is only one of the countless examples of her outstanding compassion that she shares for each and every patient and family she comes in contact with.