Adrienne Quinter
May 2020
Med Surg 6/NRU
Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center
United States




It's difficult to know where to start. When I was taken to PAR via EMS ambulance, I was a rather frightened 74-year-old-man. I had many concerns, not the least of which was that I might have the coronavirus. I received excellent care in the ED before being taken to the sixth floor and a negative pressure isolation room. I felt quite alone and isolated because I have little family and many of them are elderly (older than I) or ill themselves.
However, Adrienne Quinter, my nurse for so many hours during my stay in the isolation room, made me feel welcome, expressed what I could tell was sincere compassion - not just the professional approach which is standard - for my plight, condition, and worries. Not only did she make sure I received medications on time but she also went out of the way, in my opinion, to provide small (to her, maybe) comforts, which were large in my eyes: snacks, water, Powerade, food when I had not eaten for many hours, and many soothing words of reassurance that I would receive the utmost care from her and the rest of the staff. She made me laugh, which lifted my rather low spirits. This was not a one-time occurrence but many times during the time I was in the isolation room.
Therefore, I am proud to nominate Adrienne for being such an extraordinary nurse to me during my stay. May God bless her and all like her who are on the front lines of this battle against this horrible disease. I came to look at her as "an angel of light" who gave me hope when all the news I was seeing on television was doom and gloom as the coronavirus pandemic spread nationwide...and worldwide. Finally, good news arrived, the virus tests came back negative. No one - except myself - could have been happier about the news than Adrienne.