Adrienne Smith
April 2022
Sentara Princess Anne Hospital
Virginia Beach
United States




This nurse knew how to care for my mom with respect and dignity while allowing me the time to process this information and still be there for my family.
As nurses, we are so critical of other nurses, either caring for a nurse's family member or having a family member cared for by another nurse is difficult. We think that nobody can do it like ourselves. well, she can do it like me and can do it better.

My mom is the strongest woman I know and not the easiest to care for (I know this firsthand). My mom was admitted with shortness of breath and decreased O2 SATS and admitted to IMC (SCLC patient). This nurse came on shift the 2nd day and would be caring for her for the next 3 days. She had her job cut out for her. My first meeting with the nurse is when I walked in to visit my mom and she walked in behind me. My mom told me that she was stopping all treatments and wanted me to be her daughter and not a nurse and not to talk her out of her decision. My mom looked at me and asked me to be a daughter and not a nurse. "Being a nurse keeps my emotions in check". I cannot give up that barrier, that barrier keeps me strong. This nurse knew how to care for my mom with respect and dignity while allowing me the time to process this information and still be there for my family. This nurse never looked overwhelmed and had more empathy for not just my mom but for the whole family. She gave me the strength to be a daughter knowing that she would be the nurse for my mom. This. Is. The. First. Time. I. Could. Be. A. Daughter.

After the 3 long days of caring for my mom, it was time for her to leave and I asked for a hug (if you know me at all, you know that I am not a hugger). She hesitated to leave; she did not want to go. She stood there for a moment trying to find the words. In that moment, she gave my family to strength to do what my mom wanted. She not only nursed and advocated for my mom but cared for the entire family during this difficult time. You can tell when a healthcare provider is doing what they love, and she loves her profession. She is meant to be a nurse and anyone that she cares for can feel the love she has for her patients.