Ahnna Beth Mills
September 2021
Covenant Health Lubbock
United States




I was contemplating walking out; basically escaping, but Ahnna made me feel cared for.
I was transferred to Covenant due to some possible heart issues. Like so many, I was scared, nervous, and feeling lost. This hospital is full of wonderful employees in so many departments. I am taking the time to write this due to one employee who stood out. I have had the good fortune to have great care in many places. I have never felt so cared for or listened to as this say by nurse Ahnna Beth Millis. This hospital has demonstrated exceptional employees, but some deserve special recognition, Ahnna is one of them. What I am about to mention may seem minimal or not of importance, when in fact it is the most important thing in human nature to feel listened to and to be made to feel important.

The care she provided as a nurse was top-notch. The care she provided when I felt scared, nervous, and insignificant was extraordinary. It is the small things that are often the biggest. This type of treatment is not taught. Covenant is fortunate to have this quality of an employee working here. I was contemplating walking out; basically escaping, but Ahnna made me feel cared for. I stayed because she made me feel it truly mattered. She is a “hero” that doesn’t even realize that her treatment of another human being probably saved a life. She exhibited a caring heart, thoughtfulness, going beyond, and truly listening. For showing what being a caring human being is about!