Alex Hammond
November 2021
Duke Regional Hospital
Duke University Health System
United States




Alex calmed me during a very high stress, highly emotional state and I'm very grateful for her compassion.
Alex went above and beyond her duties to make sure I was well taken care of. She was very fast at responding when I was in need of anything as she was with all of her patients. Often handling the duties of more than one person, she still found the time to make sure I felt important, I didn't need anything for long, and I could count on her. She was the most considerate nurse I've encountered by trying her best not to wake me and letting me sleep during the night. During one particular incident, she calmed me during a very high stress, highly emotional state and I'm very grateful for her compassion. She definitely deserves to be recognized for the wonderful person she is. I hope she knows that even though she is very young, all of her wonderful qualities will take her far and she is already the best nurse I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!