December 2021
Sacramento City College
United States




Whether in a clinical setting or in the classroom, Alexa has been compassionate, loving, and motivating to all those she interacts with.
Alexa has made it her mission throughout the program to assist her peers and ensure our success. She has participated in NSNAs mentorship seminars, sought out students in need of tutoring, and given her time and energy selflessly throughout. Her glowing personality and welcoming approach have made a great impact on her peers and her patients. Whether in a clinical setting or in the classroom, Alexa has been compassionate, loving, and motivating to all those she interacts with. I have witnessed her go above and beyond within NSNA, in the clinical setting, and in the classroom, all while being a mother of 2 and working part-time. She has consistently been the rock of our cohort, our greatest cheerleader, and our dearest friend all along the way. I am honored and proud to nominate her for this very deserving honor.