Alexandra Eden
July 2022
Rheumatology Biologics
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




I am aware that there were other similar patients with similar problems as myself and that Alex was 'fighting' for them too. I knew she would never stop trying.
I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for just over 10 years. My Rheumatology Team started me on various medications over a period of time but unfortunately, they either did not work or I had adverse reactions. The Team, which included Alex Eden, then looked at Biologics for my treatment. Again I tried several but again there were similar reactions as there were with previous medications.

During this time I was engaging with Alex on a more regular basis because she was concerned that nothing was working to control my RA. Alex without a doubt was so wanting to find the right medication for me. She knew I was going through bad times and that I was getting stressed because I was getting no or very little relief. We continued to liaise which gave me confidence that she was doing everything she could to find the right medication for me. This was obviously very difficult because I had tried so many which, for some reason had not worked. By this time I was doubtful that anything would be found. However, Alex had other ideas and assured me she would keep trying even though the medication was becoming extremely expensive. Alex told me there was a medication that could work but there was difficulty in getting approval. Alex involved me with this and we both wrote separately to explain my circumstances. Unfortunately, our plea fell on deaf ears but that did not stop Alex from continuing to strive to find me the right medication. I am aware that there were other similar patients with similar problems as myself and that Alex was 'fighting' for them too. I knew she would never stop trying. We remained in regular contact and she kept me updated on what was happening. Then there was the breakthrough that Alex had so desperately fought for and that I so desperately needed. Even though I knew this new medication may not work I was so wanting and needing to try it. When Alex told me over the phone I could tell she was so pleased and so relieved this medication had been approved, not only for me, but for her other patients too. Now it was time to get this medication to me as soon as she could and this she did.

I am so pleased to say that all is well with my new medication at this time and I believe this is the end for me having alternative medication in the future. I have absolutely no doubts that Alex went above and beyond to find the medication that would be right for me. I am also sure that if this had not worked Alex would have continued to get approval for other medications for me. The reason I am writing this to you is that Alex knew I was not coping with my RA and never gave up the fight to find the right medication for me. I strongly believe Alex should be recognised for what she has done for me and others. She very clearly cares about her patients and about her job. I cannot thank her enough.