Alfredo Camacho
May 2024
Chronic Care Specialized Medical Hospital
Saudi Arabia




He thinks and prioritizes his patients, and he's willing to go the extra mile even when off duty or on his rest day to support the rest of the team.
There was this quadriplegic patient who usually had a regular routine on a daily basis. On that day, the patient was scheduled for bathing, but the nurse allocated to that patient was absent. Since it was the holy month of Ramadan our shift will usually starts at 8 AM - 8 PM. So, the supervisor coordinated with another unit to cover and help with the morning routine of the patient since this patient's routine is different compared to other patients. He needs to have expertise and dedication in order to perform all his routines including his bathing. When the floater from the other unit went inside the patient's room, he noticed that Mr. Alfredo Camacho was already inside and was about to start bathing the quadriplegic patient. Despite that, he was not on duty that day, and he didn't receive any calls or instructions from his head nurse or supervisor, but he still managed to come and volunteer to do the morning routine without hesitation. Because that patient's daily routine cannot be handled or performed by any other staff and accordingly, he thinks and prioritizes his patients, and he's willing to go the extra mile even when off duty or on his rest day to support the rest of the team. He is so kind and professional to his patients and colleagues.