Alicia Wilson
July 2020
Birth Center
Maine Medical Center




It is said that nurses are angels on earth - I did not fully believe that until I met Alicia. The way she cared for my wife and me was something we will never forget.
We would finally like to recognize a true angel among us. Alicia Wilson.
My wife and I were in the middle of dealing with the worst days of our lives, and we were blessed with being cared for by Alicia. We met Alicia Friday morning, just a few short hours after coming out of surgery. It is said that nurses are angels on earth - I did not fully believe that until I met Alicia. The way she cared for my wife and me was something we will never forget.
As part of the grieving process, it was recommended that we have pictures taken of and with our baby. We were unsure as we had clearly never dealt with this before, nor had we ever heard anyone talk about a similar situation. Alicia was the perfect balance of encouraging that we participate in photos while recognizing our uncertainty. It came to the point where Alicia had made us so comfortable and safe that we had a newborn photo session in our hospital room.
Months later I am able to open up a photo album and reflect, remember, and love our daughter. My wife and I would not have that if it weren't for Alicia and we are grateful every day for those special memories she helped us to create.
Alicia connected with my wife and me immediately. In a short amount of time, we felt like we had known her forever; she felt like family, which especially resonated with us, as amid a global pandemic, where we could not have family by our side, it was the best we could have wished for. Alicia held us in her heart, and we were able to start processing and healing, even though we did not know it at the time.
Nurses are to be advocates for their patients. Alicia went way above and beyond. Given my unique insight, also being an RN, I understand how hospitals operate and the process in dealing with the transition from hospital, to the funeral home. I could not bear the thought of my daughter being alone for any amount of time. I begged that my wife and I be able to deliver our child to the funeral home director at the hospital. Alicia went through her chain of command; her charge nurse, her manager, and worked with the nursing supervisor to coordinate a plan to fulfill our wishes.
With a security and transport escort per hospital policy, along with Alicia, we were able to deliver our baby right to the waiting arms of the funeral home director we had been in contact with. Not a single day goes by in which I do not think about our daughter, and along with her, I think of Alicia and her strength, ability to advocate, and quite honestly, her love.
I have met many nurses and healthcare professionals in my life. Alicia, Caren, Lindsey, and Brie are some of the best there will ever be. We recognize that the nurses who cared for us chose to on a volunteer basis. They chose to open themselves up to the pain and grief and to help us during our crisis.
In the darkest hours of our darkest days, alone in a hospital, trying to process the loss of our daughter, without our family by our side, we found great light and love in the nurses who cared for us. We owe the ability to heal and continue with our lives, to these nurses.
Note: This is Alicia's 2nd DAISY Award!