Allison White
November 2019
Medical Surgical
St. Joseph's Hospitals and South Florida Baptist Hospital
United States




Our unit recently cared for a homeless patient with very limited resources. One of his problems included a toe infection, and this patient wore poorly fitting shoes. On the day of his discharge, Allison handed me a bag just after our unit's beginning-of-shift circle-up meeting. In this bag was a new pair of sneakers and socks she purchased for this patient. It was important to her that these be given to him anonymously, and Allison told me she would feel so much better if this patient had more comfortable shoes to wear when he was discharged. I nearly cried at this kind gesture by one of my peers. The spirit of selflessly giving to others who are less unfortunate should be recognized and celebrated. Our BayCare values are truly reflected in acts of kindness such as this.