April 2022
Sentara Princess Anne Hospital
Virginia Beach
United States




Amanda held the patient's hand and talked through keeping the BIPAP on. She also encouraged her to stay strong and that she could do this.
Amanda Fletcher-Morrison had a 45-year-old patient that was COVID (+). The patient was on High-Flow with nonrebreather and called because she was having a difficult time breathing. When Amanda walked into the room, the patient was in respiratory distress. She was breathing about 35 breaths/min. Amanda immediately called Respiratory who came in and placed the patient on BIPAP. BIPAP was not helping the patient and ultimately an MRT had to be called as the patient's respirations were steadily increasing to 60 breaths/min quickly. During the MRT, Amanda expressed so much compassion toward the patient. This is not always easy to do in an MRT because you are trying to reverse whatever the problem is. The patient kept saying that she couldn’t wear the BIPAP. Amanda held the patient's hand and talked through keeping the BIPAP on. She also encouraged her to stay strong and that she could do this. She explained everything that was being done to the patient. The patient ended up transferring to the ICU and being intubated. Once she got the patient over to the ICU, she came back to the unit and called the husband. When she called the husband, he was crying and having a hard time as expected. Amanda talked the husband through it and ultimately she ended up praying with the husband over the phone.

Amanda went above and beyond expectations with this patient and family member. She expressed so much compassion towards both the patient and her husband. She is a phenomenal nurse and should be recognized for all the empathy she showed toward the patient. The patient did later become a DNR with limits at 45 years old. She has 2 teenage sons and a husband. The doctors have said that her prognosis is poor. If she does not make it, Amanda will be the last one to have been comforting her while she was still alert enough to hear her. Her husband will never forget that a nurse actually took the time to pray with her. Amanda is a DAISY Nurse for all the compassion she showed towards this family