Amanda Tito
June 2023
AdventHealth Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach
United States




"Amanda is refreshing, powerful, and a comfort to moms like us."
My son was admitted through the ER at Daytona Beach AdventHealth with RSV struggling to breathe. We had many nurses, doctors, and RTs that are brilliant, kind, and helpful, but Amanda was more than that for my wife and I. Amanda read my son's charts previous to entering our room. Not known to anyone it was a shock when she mentioned his XXY Syndrome. This syndrome is extremely rare, and there's not too much to read or outreach about, as it's still a study.

Amanda tends to my son with laughter and care, as well as teaching a trainee she has with her. She explained to us she did a project about Kleinfelter while pursuing her degree. She told us so many facts that she learned. My wife and I have never heard someone fluently talk about our son's syndrome. In between time, she filled us in on what she studied and calmed our hearts to know our baby is normal, that our son is our "Son". She educated her trainee on XXY as well because like so many, she had never even heard of it. When Amanda was off, I was told she reached out to ask about him and then checked in on him today even though she wasn't assigned to him.

She is personable, she's prompt and she's positive. I would love to sit with her over a meal and learn more about her project. We would love for her to be recognized simply for being herself. Being a nurse seems to come naturally to her. She even let me borrow the pen used to write this, which is a cute liquid syringe her grandma bought her a hundred of. Amanda is refreshing, powerful, and a comfort to moms like us, and I know she'll be great! AdventHealth is lucky to have her and should be honored! Seriously, and with great respect, thank you, Amanda!