Amanda Widenhoefer
May 2024
Labor & Delivery
Dupont Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States




Amanda's steady presence and clear communication helped us calm down and understand immediately what was happening.
I had a scheduled external cephalic version performed in the labor and delivery department at Dupont Hospital. When we first arrived we met our nurse for the day, Amanda Widenhoefer. She was warm, competent, easy to talk to, and put my husband and me at ease. She got a thorough history and asked about our birth plan, which was to attempt a natural birth at the birth center. The procedure started and the provider turned our son immediately following the procedure. Our son’s heart rate dropped dangerously low. They immediately called a code and initiated taking me to an emergency C-section. It was a terrifying moment because we had no idea if he would be ok. Amanda acted quickly and took charge of the situation. I could hear her voice the whole time as she explained what was happening in the short but scary time between the ECV and getting to the operating room. As soon as we arrived in OR, Amanda retook my son’s heart rate, which had begun to rise. She immediately shouted for the doctor to be notified and asked if it was necessary to proceed with the C-section if his heart rate was stabilizing. I believe it was because of Amanda's initiative and advocacy that the provider decided to call off the C-section. Amanda took me to a labor room and helped me get settled. During the turmoil and trauma of the ECV and C-section care, my husband lost consciousness due to a pre-existing condition. After a trip to the ER, Amanda took care of him when he returned by helping him order food, getting him items to keep his blood sugar up, and making sure he was comfortable. Her kindness extended beyond direct patient care. At that point, the doctor wanted to induce labor because of the incident. We were shaken up tremendously from the shock of what happened, but Amanda's steady presence and clear communication helped us calm down and understand immediately what was happening. She explained the options for inductions and advocated for my husband and me to have time to process and think about what we wanted. She assured us that our son’s heart rate looked healthy. As my husband and I processed having an induction, we attempted to understand why it was necessary. Amanda arranged for the doctor to return for us to talk to, and she came in with her to help facilitate the conversation. Amanda advocated for bringing in one of the midwives at FMCC to help decide whether we needed the induction. As a result, the doctor and midwife determined we were safe to return home with additional tests to ensure our son was healthy and safe. I believe we would have had a very different outcome that day if Amanda hadn't been present during what happened. She spoke up in moments of chaos and advocated for our son when we couldn't. She facilitated clear and effective communication between providers in a way that helped us feel heard and comfortable with the decision. She very clearly advocated for us to have a safe delivery and to have it as close to our birth plan as possible. She was smart, remembered what we told her, and embodied the epitome of a high caliber registered nurse. Because of her, we were able to deliver our son safely and peacefully two weeks later at the birth center. We can not express enough gratitude for her role in getting our son here. For these reasons, I believe Amanda more than deserves to be recognized for her care of our family and others.