February 2017
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
United States




Mandy has been with our son since his first night. I hope she understands how much she means to him and his family. She has been the best advocate for his care. She has helped me set up a care conference, set up a care team, helped me check off trach care and has even helped me understand everything going on in his care while helping me keep my peace of mind.
This is crazy but my baby loves her! Our son has no expressions, but when he sees Mandy he kicks, waves his hands and just has this peaceful look to him like he knows he's in the best hands when his mommy leaves. I know she loves and cares for him, and that means more to me than anything.
Mandy always makes sure I understand what's going on in our son's care. She's helped me check off his trach care list and walked through what I need to do before I can go home with him and the trach. She also did some discharge teaching so it's not so overwhelming in the end.
Honestly, the only time I feel safe going home is when Mandy is here; the only time I can actually sleep through the night and know he's in the best hands and that is the greatest feeling of all. Mandy is my son's nurse angel; I don't know how else to describe it, she's always watching over him. She knows his body language and understands how he feels without expressions.
I was going through a lot, so many doctors, residents, APN etc. Mandy noticed I was overwhelmed, upset and confused about what was going on. She explained the care conference, and how it could help me. She's always helped my baby by explaining and writing notes to other nurses like "I'm a hot baby don't bundle me", "I'm gass, I need my drops." She treats my little boy as if he were her own, and that is something I can never repay her for.