Amber Fisher-Gest
April 2016
Trauma ICU
St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital and Health Care Center
United States




We arrived to the trauma unit of my boyfriend's son who had been in a horrible car accident. In the corner of the room of the trauma unit sat the nurse we'd come to lean on over the next 27 days. Amber calmly told us that she had been with him since he had arrived by medical helicopter and she proceeded to run down the list of injuries and medications he was on. She explained the ventilator was breathing for him and we just would have to take day by day what would be a long journey.
Although many nurses during our almost 30 day stay in the trauma unit were great, Amber was a bit different. Maybe it was because he had arrived the night she was there or she was particularly moved by the horribly tragic circumstances. Regardless of the reason, we are so thankful we met her and she gave care to our loved one. It was obvious Amber is dedicated in the care she gives to every patient. If she was assigned to another patient, she would often pop in just to say hello.
Over a couple of days during the time we were there, we were getting weary. We had heard our boy had opened his eyes and was beginning to respond but we just didn't see it ourselves. It just seemed we were constantly missing the moments when he was awake. Amber must have sensed our discouragement because she phoned early the next day leaving a message telling us that we might want to get to the hospital, his eyes were open, he was responsive, and he was moving his fingers.
After a couple of weeks, we began to get to know Amber a bit more and we would rest easier know she was on the floor looking out for him. After he moved off the trauma floor, we were leaving one night from our visit, we were told that he wasn't really responding and was being a bit difficult to the person doing his physical therapy. Amber just happened to come see him for a visit at that same time. She stepped in and he did everything for her. It's as though since he trusted her, he calmed down in the new surroundings because she was there.
Amber Fisher-Gest is the nurse that is the example for all nurses. We thank God for bringing her into our lives.