Amber Phelps
May 2020
Operating Room
Middlesex Hospital
United States




I would like to recognize Jane Martin, RN, and Amber Phelps, RN for their skillful and compassionate care of a patient who came to the operating room for organ donation. I ask for the privilege to speak for the patient and the family since they are unable to do so themselves. Although the family was grieving their loss, they made the selfless decision to give the gift of life to others.
For donation after cardiac death, the family can accompany their loved one to the operating room to be present at the time life support is withdrawn and stay until their loved one passes. Because of the pandemic, the family was unable to accompany the patient to the operating room. Unfortunately, like so many other critically ill patients during these challenging times, this young man was not able to have family by his side. This void was filled by Jane Martin, RN, and Amber Phelps, RN. Their actions were not performed for recognition, they were performed through unrelenting compassion and dedication to the care being provided to the patient.
During the span of approximately one hour from the time life-sustaining support was withdrawn until the time the young man passed, Jane stood at the head of the OR bed gently touching the patient's head and face. She frequently leaned in close to him speaking softly, reassuring him that she was with him, and he was not alone.
This type of donation necessitates the patient being prepped and covered with sterile drapes prior to extubation in order for the transplant surgeons to quickly procure the organs after the patient passes. With the sterile field in place, Amber had to adjust how she would be able to be close to her patient. She knelt on the floor by the patient's side, reaching under the sterile drapes, and held the patient's hand for close to one hour, without letting go, until he passed.
Jane and Amber exemplify the excellence of nursing care that is seen here at Middlesex Hospital. When the time came to proceed with the donation, both nurses effortlessly transitioned to their role as skillful surgical nurses providing the transplant surgeons and the entire donation team with all that was needed for this loss to be turned into gifts of life.