Amber William
August 2020
Med/Surg, ICU
Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital
United States




I am a recovering alcoholic, which is hard enough to admit, so when I ended up in the Emergency room, very sick and with intense pain, it was humiliating knowing I had done it to myself. I was moved to med/surg and began my NPO diet. Amber came in and showed me many ways to get through the dry-mouth problems. She was extremely attentive and was always there right on the minute to provide me the pain meds and nausea meds the doctor prescribed. Amber was very helpful in proving black and white answers about what was going on during my treatment without making me feel judged for my poor lifestyle choices. I NEEDED an Amber and I feel like she gave me the care and emotional support to get through this traumatic experience that the other nurses could not provide. She is tactful, kind, clear, calm, well-spoken, and all-around what I think a nurse should be. Thank you, Amber!