Amy Crowther
April 2022
Delivery Suite
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom




During my darkest time, she offered comfort and a practical solution.
After having my baby at St. James by emergency cesarean, he was urgently transferred to the LGI due to a blockage in his bowel. My partner traveled with our baby, and I was unable to be transferred with them at the time. An ambulance transfer was requested for me but the wait time was to be over four hours. My baby was then taken into surgery and we were informed that there was a very real possibility that his bowel may have died and he would not survive. I was still at St. James when told this. I had repeatedly been told that I had no option but to wait for the ambulance transfer, but there was still a long wait time. Amy came on shift and her support and understanding made such a difference. She had such a practical and compassionate approach when dealing with me. Very quickly she’d spoken to me about my options. She stressed the importance of getting me up and mobile so I could self-discharge. She then arranged a taxi and accompanied me to the LGI where I was readmitted. Due to Amy’s care and help I was able to arrive at the LGI before my baby came out of surgery. Luckily his condition was not as severe as first assumed and he’s made a full recovery. Amy’s care really made a difference to me. During my darkest time, she offered comfort and a practical solution. I’ll forever be grateful that she got me to the LGI so quickly.