January 2022
Mother Baby Unit
Ochsner Medical Center - West Bank Campus
United States




After being able to hold our baby and talking to Amy, I knew our baby would be ok!
My wife and I had a planned c-section for our second child. We went to Ochsner Baptist and our baby was born. However, since he was breech he took on fluid and was in respiratory distress, and needed a NICU bed. My wife and I sat distraught with little information, no baby, and fear in the recovery room. An hour later, flight care showed up with our son and took him away to Ochsner Westbank. Luckily my wife was transferred over and we made it there close to 6 pm.

We were exhausted, hungry, and more importantly scared! Amy admitted my wife. She was so kind. She was the first person to tell us he was going to be ok! She explained what happened and how his NICU stay will go. She assisted us to the NICU to see our son! She was the first person to tell us his height and weight. She brought a calming presence to two nervous parents. After being able to hold our baby and talking to Amy, I knew our baby would be ok! The next days she was not our nurse but frequently checked on us to ensure we were ok. She made a picture of a giraffe with his date of birth, time, height, and weight. We have it hanging in our home! Having Amy as our nurse made this event much easier. This was unexpected and scary but she was so kind. Thank You, Amy, for being there.