Amy M
May 2024
Amy M
Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital
United States




When she teaches, Amy is enthusiastic, energetic, optimistic, and creative.
I truly feel honored and fortunate to have learned “what it takes to be a great nurse” from Amy. I am confident that I would not be the graduating fourth-semester student if it were not for Amy’s influence and guidance. I heard many students ahead of me talk of “Amy” and how wonderful she is and how supportive she is. I couldn’t wait to be in her presence to experience this for myself. The expectations were high since so many raved about her; however, the rumors were true and right on! From the moment I met Amy, I knew that she had a genuine, compassionate, and caring heart; she genuinely cared about us. Her essence and smile light up the whole room, no matter what the day brings. In her presence, you immediately feel better; you feel supported; you feel valued, seen, and heard. Whether it be in the classroom, the hallway, in conversation, or in the clinical setting.

When she teaches, Amy is enthusiastic, energetic, optimistic, and creative. Seeds get planted in a variety of ways and I believe that Amy planted seeds while presenting that will inspire, grow, and blossom in some way down the road for each and every one of us. A true leader inspires others naturally without even trying; this is Amy. I left inspired, encouraged, and optimistic.

As I listen to fellow students, everyone loves Amy! She is trustworthy, respectful, helpful, encouraging, and positive. All the necessary ingredients for a successful recipe in the fourth semester. It is a time when we are tired, worn out, and with little to no energy left. She gives us the strength and courage to continue and not give up. She takes a genuine interest in others, remembers, cares, and follows through, hopeful that we will all be successful.

In clinical, I was fortunate to be in Amy’s group. She communicated clear expectations right from the first day, she took the time to answer our questions, she put our mind at ease and reassured us that she would help and support us. Words are just words if not put into action. Amy’s words matched her actions. She would follow up and follow through after every clinical week; communicating with us as to “what went well” and “learning opportunities” and reminders. Each message has an inspirational quote to lift us up and leave us positive and refreshed. In clinical, she remained calm, confident, patient, approachable, positive, and encouraging. Not easy to do, in an environment like the hospital, however, somehow, she managed to do this consistently and effortlessly. Her positivity, kindness, leadership, and encouragement serve as a role model in nursing and to each one of us. Being under her wing, I hope that I am a sliver of all that she is!

It only feels natural that Amy receives this honorable DAISY recognition, as she matches the wish and legacy of Patrick’s family. Thank you for considering my nomination of this extraordinary nurse, leader, and professor at PCON. Everyone who knows Amy is better because of her radiance and beauty. I know that Patrick’s family would be quick to say, “Thank you Amy, for teaching our future nurses, for modeling what a great nurse looks like.” And personally, I say, with a grateful heart and tears in my eyes, “Thank you, Amy, for shaping me to become a great nurse and helping me not to give up when I was going to (several times). As I care for my “Patrick’s” in the future as an RN, may you always remember and know your influence will be with me in my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my presence.