Amy Wilson
July 2021
Mayo Clinic Arizona
United States




Amy held my hand and reassured me over and over again that I was going to be okay.
I had abdominal surgery this May. Right after surgery while I was in the PACU, I was cared for by Amy. As I was waking up, she noticed my heart rate was really high and that I might be suffering from a complication from surgery. As time went on, it was becoming more clear that there was definitely something going on with my body. While the nurses and doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I became scared. Here I was, barely coherent, but knowing something isn't right. I was very scared. I had people all around me doing different things. Amy held my hand and reassured me over and over again that I was going to be okay. She explained to me everything that was going on. She advocated for me when I couldn't advocate for myself. They finally realized that I was bleeding internally and that I needed to go back to the operating room to stop the bleeding. Amy let my husband come back to see me before I had to go back to the operating room to reassure him that I was going to be okay. This meant so much to me and him! If it wasn't for Amy, I believe things could have gotten a lot worse. I suffer from PTSD, and I could have really gone into some major anxiety. Amy kept me calm. She is everything a nurse is supposed to be. She is AWESOME and deserves to be recognized as such.