Ana Whyte
October 2021
Cooperative Care Center 2
Rhode Island Hospital & Hasbro Children's Hospital
United States




Ana held my hand the whole way, she gave me a hug and she told me don’t worry, you got a good team, you’ll be OK.
You never expect that day you’re going to Walmart you’re going to have a life-changing experience in a car accident, and you end up breaking your spine, mandible, your collarbone, your neck. I looked like my face went through a blender. I went to Rhode Island Hospital because of the closest trauma center I got a nurse whose name is Ana, I can’t tell you the compassion and care that this nurse showed me! I was going for my third surgery on my neck she held my hand the whole way, she gave me a hug and she told me don’t worry, you got a good team, you’ll be OK and I’m going to see you again and she stayed with me until I went in. She made sure she had all her other patients covered and I genuinely felt that she cared, then she gave me a hug and said, "I’ll call your mom". Later that night she called the floor to see how I was doing. I’m a 41-year-old man crying telling my story of how she still shows compassion for not just one but any and all who are her patients.