Andrea Barnett
February 2020
Winchester Medical Center
United States




My 87-year-old husband has had three hospitalizations this year. With a background in hard work, volunteerism, and wise decision-making, we have been devastated by the effects, both physical and mental, on this man, who is a true gentleman in every sense of the word.
We have been blessed by the skill and professionalism of the nursing staff at WMC, but especially Andrea, whose skills are enhanced by her evident caring and compassion - and energy. Through three hospital stays, nurses have handled my husband's decline in cognitive skills and visual acuity well, but Andrea has intuitively been able to gain my husband's trust and cooperation in caring for his health needs. She has worked with him as if he were a beloved grandfather, respecting his dignity and vulnerability, but without losing the necessary control of the situation.
When the IV lines and restrictions for his safety caused him to stubbornly push back against them, Andrea's caring demeanor won his cooperation in his treatment. She always resolved the crisis successfully. Through all of this, she always checked to see if I were ok and to ask if I needed anything.