Andrea Mondragon
June 2021
Cancer for Center and Blood Disorders Outpatient Clinic
Children's Hospital Colorado
United States




At one point, Andrea was able to reschedule multiple appointments, including surgery, on the same day so the family only had to come once.
Andrea is our radiation oncology nurse care coordinator for our outpatient clinic. As the NCC, she not only is the nurse that takes care of the patients needing anesthesia to complete their radiation therapy, but she also serves as the point person for them. Radiation therapy is completed at University Hospital so there is an added layer of coordination that needs to happen. Andrea does a great job with all the patients and families, but there is one in particular that she has gone above and beyond over and over again.

This particular patient is non-English speaking and lives outside of the Denver metro area. Andrea has spent countless hours trying to contact the family to arrange appointments. While on the phone through the interpreter, she thoroughly explains each step of the process, including spelling out the University of Colorado and the address letter by letter. She utilizes the teach-back method and when she hears the family doesn’t understand or did not write down the information, she very calmly and patiently repeats all of the information. She has set up transportation for the family to get to the hospital several times. It is not uncommon for the patient not to show up to appointments. When that happens, Andrea graciously calls the family, reschedules them, and again repeats all of the information they need. At one point, Andrea was able to reschedule multiple appointments, including surgery, on the same day so the family only had to come once. On that day, she met the family in the lobby and walked them from one appointment to the next to ensure the patient got to where he needed to go. Her selfless care embodies the values of CHCO, and we are so lucky to have her as a part of our team.