Andrea Sperr
June 2020
Emergency Center
Sanford Medical Center - Fargo
United States




When I was on Unit 8CD at the Sanford Hospital in Fargo, Andrea Sperr was one of my many nurses. To me, she is the definition of what every nurse and human should be. She puts so much of her heart into her job but doesn't forget her common sense. She always made me feel like I was her number one priority. I was in Fargo for 2.5 months. I was in an ATV accident that caused my left leg to be 75% amputated. Andrea babied my leg and made sure I had to best possible care from the CNAs and the nurses who would be taking over after she left. She became like family to me as my family was all back in Bismarck. I was on the 8th floor right when I arrived to Fargo and then after surgeries, I was transferred down to the ICU. I was there for two weeks. After that they transferred me back up to the 8th floor. When I arrived up there my room was so small, it made me feel like I was trapped. I don't do well with change and I was being transferred floors, in a small room and my husband and kid were going back to Bismarck for the week. Well, Andrea took the time to listen to me and just let me vent. I honestly thought she was just letting me get my emotions out. Andrea told me she was going on a break but would be back. When she came back, she came with two other nurses, I was sitting in the recliner and she told me to put my feet up. She pushed me down to a HUGE room. She said this will be your new room, the other girls will help move my personal items but I just need to relax and take in the view. I started to cry, and that's not a common feeling to me. She took the time out of her day to make me feel at home, to give me a sense of comfort. The other two nurses were just as amazing putting my personal items away. When I say personal items, I was in the hospital for over a month at this point so there was ALOT of items. One time she scrubbed my feet and painted my toenails just because she thought I should be pampered since I was there so long. Another time, she told me she was going home for the night but would be back the next day, and asked if I needed her to bring me anything. I wear glasses so I told her something to clean my glasses, the next day she didn't come with glasses wipes, she came with a bottle of Windex that she brought from home.
Andrea is a true DAISY Nurse.