Andrew Hayden Miller
February 2022
Andrew Hayden
Surgical ICU
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
United States




Hayden is always willing to step up to a challenge and provide the necessary means by which to care for a patient, no matter the circumstance.
A patient eloped from the Surgical ICU after untying restraints in the presence of a sitter and began to run toward the stairwell and pull the fire alarm. This patient lacked sufficient capacity to make rational decisions. Hayden reacted clearly and swiftly and followed the patient. The unit associates called security and the page operator for an elopement code. In the meantime, Hayden did not want to leave the patient unattended, so he followed the patient outside of the hospital building and used therapeutic communication in an attempt to get the patient to agree to return to the nursing unit. Hayden pursued the patient as he ran several times around the medical library and into the Lombardi building. The patient was acting erratically and climbed to the 3rd level walkway and over the pedestrian railing and attempted to dive headfirst, verbalizing his intent to commit suicide. Mr. Miller bear-hugged the patient and, with the assistance of security, managed to pull the patient over the edge of the railing and pin him to the ground. The patient grabbed a make-shift weapon that was seized by security and subdued. With Hayden’s quick actions and collaboration with security, the patient was safely returned to the unit. During the course of this incident, Hayden acted bravely and selflessly. The patient was not assigned to him, yet he acted in the best interest of the patient and his coworkers, offering to follow the patient while his coworkers sought additional support. Hayden always put the patient first, as he worried foremost about the patient’s safety and the patient’s ability to make rational decisions. Hayden worked closely with his team members to provide safe and effective care. Hayden communicated effectively with the patient in an attempt to return him to the hospital unit and prevent the patient from harming himself. He also communicated directly with unit associates, keeping them updated with his whereabouts so they could direct the security personnel to his location. Hayden is always willing to step up to a challenge and provide the necessary means by which to care for a patient, no matter the circumstance. He is passionate and caring, not only in regard to his patients but his coworkers. This was a very high-risk incident with rapidly changing circumstances. Hayden’s capacity for resilience and his expertise helped produce a safe and positive outcome, allowing the patient to receive the medical care he needed.