Angela Granger
April 2022
Regional Resource
Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital and Health Care Center
United States




I was at a loss for words. Angie was genuinely concerned about making me as comfortable as possible.
The first time I met Angela I knew there was something special about her. The next day after meeting her, that special something was revealed. You see, I have Sickle Cell Disease (SS) and I can be in severe pain at any given moment. During my stay, I had to have an upper Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy on the same day. Angie, as she was called by everyone, told me that when I got back from my procedure, my bed would be made up. I was very glad to hear that. because I knew that a bed with clean sheets would help me to rest and sleep well.

Now, when I got back from my procedure, not only was my bed made up, but Nurse Angie had turned the covers back, and turned my heating pad on, so it was warm and ready for me to use on my back. The room smelled inviting and relaxing because Nurse Angie had placed several cups of lavender around my room, and the fragrance was in the air, giving me aromatherapy. They helped me to my bed, wrapped me in the warm covers with my heating pad on my back, and off to "Sleep Land'' I went. When I woke up hours later, Nurse Angie had a fresh cup of iced water on my tray next to my bed and she was coming into the room with my "pain medication" already in her hand. Talk about going above and beyond, Nurse Angie definitely exceeded any expectations one could have.

When I thanked her and expressed to her how pleased I was with everything and asked her why, she just replied, quietly and lovingly, "I knew you would be tired from getting up so many times last night after, you know, drinking your cleansing drinks. And I knew you were also going to need peace and quiet so you could sleep off the anesthesia they had given you during your procedure. I just wanted you to be comfortable." I was at a loss for words. She was genuinely concerned about making me as comfortable as possible. Her specialty is Truly having a "Big Heart"! I love you, Nurse Angie! Thank you.

Note: This is Angie's 2nd DAISY Award!