Angie DeNeire
March 2024
113 Med-Surg
VA Black Hills Health Care System
Ft. Meade
United States




Angie always had time for any and all of my questions, and if she did not have the answers, she would find out and then let me know!
I went to the ER at the Fort Meade VA Hospital and, after evaluation, was admitted to the Hospital. I would like to acknowledge the awesome staff at this facility from the minute I walked into the ER to the time I was discharged.
From the moment that Angie introduced herself to me while I lay in the hospital bed with IVs in each arm, I could see the genuine care and concern that she had for my well-being. After introducing herself, She then told me the names of the other nurses who would be part of the team taking care of me, and then Angie asked if I needed anything. Angie stopped by regularly to check on my lVs and change them when needed. She would set up everything I would need to take a shower and cover up my IV ports so as not to get wet. She would also take my cell phone down to the charging station in the waiting room, as I had forgotten my complete charging cord, ensuring that I could stay in contact with my family. After giving me some Tylenol for my headaches, she would stop back to see if it was working and, if not, would ask if I wanted to next take my Migraine medication if the headaches continued to get worse! When Angie first started to give me my medications, she would ask why I was taking them, especially as she said it was not one that she was familiar with. As she said, some medications can be used for other problems, which was the case with some of the medications that I was on for my Migraines! And she would learn more from that information and interactions! Angie always had time for any and all of my questions, and if she did not have the answers, she would find out and then let me know!

When Angie had a student nurse with her, she would ask if it was okay with me for the student to take part in my care. I'm always okay with having student Nurses and Doctors. From what I could see, Angie passed on how to be an awesome nurse. That was more than just the basics; all those little things really make a difference to the person in the hospital fighting some illness. I was fortunate to have a couple of nurses like Angie when I was in Chemotherapy for six months for Colon Cancer. They, as Angie did, added such a positive attitude, which also helped to boost my attitude and morale. This helped me fight and recover from the illness that I was there for. I tip my hat, as the saying goes, to Nurses, as they have that special quality that allows them to be a positive light in a place that can be rather dark! Angie does this in such a natural, casual way that I had to tell her myself before I was released! Angie was also the one to see me out the door as I left the hospital. Angie is a true DAISY Nurse.