Ann Marie Hartshorn
February 2021
Ann Marie
Emergency Department
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
United Kingdom




No matter what, Anne has given me her support and encouragement and helped me face my mental health difficulties.
In the summer of this year, I started to suffer quite seriously with my mental health. This led to a complete mental breakdown in September, with me being on the verge of suicide. It has been an extremely difficult time. Fast forward to today…I am now back at work and feeling more positive each day. Throughout my journey, Anne has been by my side every step of the way and she made me realise that it is okay to say you are not okay (although I am not the easiest of people to convince). No matter what, Anne has given me her support and encouragement and helped me face my mental health difficulties. My journey has not been one I am proud of but I am not ashamed of it either and if it gives just one person the encouragement to speak up if they are struggling then something else good has come out of it. Everyone is just one step away from mental health difficulties but if I would give advice to anyone struggling the way I did, it is to ‘ask for help, as there will always be another ‘Anne’ to help you along the way. Thank you, Anne.