Anna Stewart
January 2024
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




The sense of security and safety around Anna is something I have never felt in another person, I trust her wholeheartedly.
I had to deliver my son, but his heart had stopped beating and he had died, it’s something no mother is ever ready to hear. From the minute I arrived at the delivery ward Anna Stewart was there and she’s been there ever since. I had millions of questions, on the day, she gave so much time answering them all, reassuring me that there is no such thing as a stupid question. She also gave me a lot of information that I needed but hadn’t even thought of but in a way that was calm, gentle and not overwhelming. After I had delivered my son she spent time describing to me what he looked like, ensuring I was wanting to hold him and that I was ready. She did everything at my pace. Anna created the most beautiful photographs and hand and footprints of my son. I’ve gone on to have the photographs made in a locket, having these things are not things you think about whilst in labor or in the immediate time afterwards but having them here means absolutely everything. Since that day I’ve gone back to the bereavement suite and Anna’s allowed me quiet time with my son before he went to the funeral directors. I was suffering badly from lack of sleep and Anna would always come in for a chat, hold my hand and support me, but one day she left us to it, in the hope that I might doze with my son. She was right, she let me sleep on the sofa with my son in my arms for hours. Something so very special, and so needed due to the lack of sleep I was experiencing. Anna liaised with my GP so I didn’t have to, she has liaised with and organized things for me with the funeral directors, she has taken anything she possibly could from my shoulders and done it herself so that life can be slightly easier during this time. Anything I ask her, she says yes, and gets it done almost immediately. Shortly after my son passed away, we spoke on the phone a lot, long support calls where she would make me realize that the thoughts and feelings that I was frightened by were in fact grief and although not nice, it's a process I have to go through. We still talk now although I am slowly phasing back to work, she supports me with that. I've called her from work saying “I don’t think I can do this” but she calms me, talks me down and enables me to continue with what I was doing. The sense of security and safety around Anna is something I have never felt in another person, I trust her wholeheartedly. She is always asking about my other children and my family, making sure we are all ok. I can honestly say I have never met anyone with a purer heart who goes above and beyond for her ladies. A hug from Anna somehow makes the world feel ok again. Anna is like a security blanket wrapped around you at what is the worst time of your life.I can honestly say she has saved my life. When you experience a loss like I did, and you get the most incredible support from someone like Anna they remain very special to you. Anna feels like family, she has that safe, secure, protective feeling that family bring to you and I will be forever grateful for Anna, the way she has looked after me and the respect and care she showed for my son, although he had died she treated him with the most beautiful care and that’s something so incredibly special. It’s difficult to put into words how incredible Anna is but once you meet her it’s so apparent, she’s a very special person. Thank you Anna, for everything.