Anne Louisse Corral
December 2023
Anne Louisse
5th Med-Surg
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Waxahachie
United States




We always felt Anne Louisse cared for my husband because of the love she radiated.
I felt it was important to nominate Anne Louisse because of the positive impact she made on my husband and myself. She brings a smile and exuberance into the room! She works fast – but gives the patient total attention. She was aware and focused on him – an active listener with acute perceptive abilities. She ensured his needs were written on the whiteboard in his room: Pain meds and kept informed instead of just reassuring him, she wrote the full-day schedule of when he should receive pain meds (and how many). That schedule remained up the entire time he was here.

With sometimes severe neuropathy pain, he could check the whiteboard and know when to expect relief. She was kind, the best character train anyone, especially in the nursing field, can have. We always felt she cared for my husband because of the love she radiated. She just made him (and me!) feel better. What a small way this is to say to an outstanding caregiver, thank you!