Anne M Westhoff
April 2022
Anne M
Cardiac Intensive Care
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St Louis
United States




Annie provided so much mental, emotional, and spiritual support during that shift- she truly went above and beyond for both the patient and his mother.
Annie was taking care of a 17-year-old patient who was incredibly ill. The patient had gone to the CCL for intervention and was brought back to the unit intubated. The mother came to the bedside and was very anxious about her son's status. Annie was very meticulous about her care, took time to update the mother often about the status, and spoke in such a calm and nurturing way. Many times, when Annie would speak to the mother, you could tell the mother was starting to relax, just because Annie was taking time to explain in common terms while taking the time to answer questions. Annie had also realized that the mother was expressing concern over not being updated enough-- and wasn't fully understanding what the doctors were saying. Annie pulled management aside and expressed concern- she also made the attending aware- so that more frequent rounds on the patient could take place and more explanations could be given. At the end of Annie's shift, the patient became sicker and needed further interventions. Annie stayed by the mother's side while the news was delivered, consulted the chaplain, and stayed by the mother's side in prayer. As the interventions were taking place at the bedside, Annie made it a priority to give frequent updates to the mother, who was waiting nervously in the waiting room. The mother said to me several times how much she appreciated Annie and how much of a difference she made that day. The mother also said that the frequent updates made waiting so much easier because she knew her son was in excellent hands. Annie stayed well after her shift to make sure the intervention went as planned and the mother was updated and able to see her son before a transfer to a different ICU was needed. Annie provided so much mental, emotional, and spiritual support during that shift- she truly went above and beyond for both the patient and his mother. Annie was able to manage her shift well enough to provide the needed support to the patient and mother, as well as orient a new nurse! Her time management skills were on point. Annie was also able to pick up clues that the mother needed additional support and was able to involve the rest of the care team to make sure there was a clear understanding. Annie is an excellent nurse every day when she comes to work, but this day she demonstrated every BJC value!