Annette Peko
February 2021
VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System




Annette thanked me for my service, but I want you to know, that it should be I thanking her for hers.
Sometimes life's journey brings unexpected people that we meet along the way. We are blessed and honored to have them touch our life in some unsuspecting way. The person who most affected and touched me during my stay was Annette. Like many nurse/patient relationships, ours had our ups and downs, and I hope that as she reads this, she will remember and laugh as I do now.
The positive impact that she brought to not only my care but keeping me informed on what was transpiring helped keep me focused on the tasks at hand and getting me home. No one wants to be sick! But during this time; especially now, her caring and professionalism meant the world to me.She thanked me for my service, but I want you to know, that it should be I thanking her for hers. It is a debt I will never be able to repay.