April Schulz
March 2020
UW Health University Hospital
United States




I come to the transplant clinic every 3rd Friday for octreotide shots. A few months back, I showed up and just wasn't myself. I knew I was dealing with depression but was not getting the help I needed. I felt very alone and lost. Once I got into the room and April noticed me, she asked what was up. I started to tell her how I was feeling and I began to cry. Knowing me from other appointments, April knew this was not me. She talked with me, asked some questions, and showed me how concerned she was about my well being. She took steps and called my family doctor to get me more help. Yes a simple call, but it really made a difference. That got the ball rolling and her caring about my well being got me into the correct hands.
I am now doing extremely well and have April to thank for that. She went above and beyond what had to be done. She noticed I was in trouble. She cared enough to help. Without her, I really am not sure where I would be. I was diagnosed with bipolar and I'm now on the correct medicines. It is not always easy to talk about but I also found out it is not easy for others to help. April was not afraid to say something and act on it. She knew I wasn't myself and knew I was begging for help. Thank you, April for taking those steps to help me. I will forever be grateful for what you did.