April Williams
September 2021
Wound Care
Veterans Affair John Cochran Medical Center
ST. Louis
United States




April answered all of my questions and showed empathy and care for his health.
April is the most caring and compassionate nurse we have worked with at The VA St Louis Health Care System. April provides exceptional care at every encounter and without hesitation goes above and beyond her nursing job. We met April when one of my husband's doctors consulted wound care and plastic surgery for pressure ulcers on his coccyx. Due to his lack of mobility and incontinence, the ulcers were getting worse despite my best efforts of keeping that area clean and dry. Nurse April came and assessed my husband's skin breakdown and created a treatment plan for the pressure ulcers. April was so patient and devoted a lot of time educating me on different creams, sprays, and soaps and gave me foam pads to prevent further breakdown. She answered all of my questions and showed empathy and care for his health. After that experience, April has called me a few times to check up on my husband and make sure that I have enough supplies to continue caring for him at home. When I run low on supplies, I am able to contact April; she either answers the phone immediately or calls me back. Nurse April has even made sure that my husband has a Waffle cushion that he uses while he is at dialysis and a waffle mattress to prevent further skin breakdown.

As of today, all of his pressure ulcers are no longer open and have healed up. Nurse April from wound care has been the brightest light during a dark time for us. My husband was at the VA hospital for a different problem recently and without giving April notice she made sure to come by and check on us. Nurse April has been someone that is special to us and has made an everlasting meaningful difference through the compassionate care that she provided. April is an Extraordinary Nurse and is a blessing to her patients and their families.