Ashley Bronder
May 2024
Birth Center
CentraCare - St. Cloud Hospital
St. Cloud
United States




She was beyond supportive of my decisions and also would gently guide me to the next step. She made sure to be a soothing, positive presence for contractions, the epidural, everything.
When going into labor, I had no idea what to expect and was absolutely terrified. I had ideas of what I wanted to happen, but as we all know that can constantly change at any moment. Ashley came in shortly after I was admitted, and she was so chipper & upbeat I wasn't sure how I would cope, but her positivity was exactly what I needed. She could tell when I was ready to chat & when I needed a moment. She was beyond supportive of my decisions & also would gently guide me to the next step. She made sure to be a soothing, positive presence for contractions, the epidural, everything. She dealt with my few extra calls to tell her I think I needed to push, and she so gently let me know it would be just a little bit longer. She was never overwhelmed or bothered by me. When it was time to start pushing, however, was when Ashley really became the backbone I needed. She was so clear on what I needed to do; she was patient & so supportive with the positive affirmations & guidance. There were small things throughout this visit, however, that constantly caught my attention. My mother is a nurse so I knew she would be all into it, Ashley handled that with grace. My boyfriend was sleeping on the concrete floor as he gave the chair to my mother & sister. As soon as Ashley saw that, she brought in a pad for him to sleep on. She did not leave the room during the epidural & I just remember hearing her letting me know how great I was doing. To go from paralyzing fear to having the most beautiful birthing experience. I credit a lot of that to Ashley. I honestly had a hard time with CentraCare throughout my pregnancy, and I held out because I heard how great the birthing center was. Ashley made every single frustration, tear, and doubt worth it. I could never be more thankful or grateful for her.